MEJAA paper edition

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Affiliated organisation:
1. The Journal of the American Geriatric Society
2. American Academy of Antiageing Medicine
3. Middle East Longevity Institute - Lebanon

Chief editor
Abdulrazak Abyad MD, MPH, MBA, AGSF, AFCHSE

Editorial office:
Abyad Medical Centre & Middle East Longevity Institute
Azmi Street, Abdo Centre
PO Box 618
Tripoli, Lebanon
Tel: 961 6 443 684
Fax: 961 6 443 685

Lesley Pocock
medi+WORLD International

572 Burwood Road,
Hawthorn 3122, VIC
Tel: +61 3 9819 1224
Fax: +61 3 98193269



While all efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this journal, opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Publishers, Editor or the Editorial Board. The publishers, Editor and Editorial Board cannot be held responsible for errors or any consequences arising from the use of information contained in this journal; or the views and opinions expressed. Publication of any advertisements does not constitute any endorsement by the Publishers and Editors of the product advertised.

The contents of this journal are copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for purposes of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Australian Copyright Act, no part of this program may be reproduced without the permission of the publisher.


Author Information

The Middle East Journal of Age and Ageing (ME-JAA) was established in 2003. ME-JAA receives papers from the region and the world, and has a focus on regional and global health issues and the advancement of medicine and health of the people in the MESA region particularly.

ME-JAA follows the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals, issued by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE Recommendations), and to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) code of conduct for editors guidelines.

Please Consult the Code of Ethics section prior to completing forms below.

Refer to the following links for full details:

Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals

COPE Code of Conduct

The Middle East medical journals have played an active role in the ongoing development of academic standards and medical practice in the Middle East, through both the journal and participation in, and support of, regional conferences and events. The journals enjoy a position of great influence and respect, reflected by our top Regional and International Board Members who also support a range of social and medical initiatives we have introduced in the region. Journals are available free online and with a limited hard copy run. Special hard copy runs can be made available for conferences and other promotions. Webstats are available for all journals.

Journal articles are currently indexed in Ebsco and Al Manhal databases, with interest from further databases.

Submit all materials electronically to Submit manuscript and all materials as one electronic file, except for tables and figures. Each table and figure must be a separate file.

Article processing fee
There is an article processing charge of US $ 650. Any applicable article processing charge must be paid prior to publication.
The processing fee includes the cost of expert English review.

A discount may be made available to authors from Low Income nations. Contact Chief Editor, Dr Abdulrazal Abyad, for details:

Submission of Manuscripts

All submissions to ME-JAA should include:
1 Covering letter
2 Manuscript including tables and panels
3 Figures
4 Authors statement form (see next section)
5 Conflicts of interest and source of funding statements (see
Code of ethics section)
6 In-press papers-one copy of each with acceptance letters
7 Protocols and CONSORT details for randomised controlled trials (see
Code of ethics section)
8 We encourage disclosure of correspondence from other journals and reviewers, if previously submitted, and we might contact relevant editors of such journals.

Vancouver style
o Cite references in the text sequentially in the Vancouver numbering style, as a superscripted number after any punctuation mark. For example:
"…as reported by Saito and colleagues.15"
o Two references are cited separated by a comma, with no space. Three or more consecutive references are given as a range with an en rule. To create an en rule on a PC: hold down CTRL key and minus sign on the number pad, or on a Mac:
ALT hyphen
o References in tables, figures, and panels should be in numerical order according to where the item is cited in the text
o Here is an example for a journal reference (note the use of tab, bold, italic, and the en rule or "long" hyphen):
"…15[tab]Saito N, Ebara S, Ohotsuka K, Kumeta J, Takaoka K.
Natural history of scoliosis in spastic cerebral palsy. Lancet 1998; 351: 1687-[en rule]92."
o Give any subpart to the title of the article. Journal names are abbreviated in their standard form as in Index Medicus
o If there are six authors or fewer, give all six in the form: surname space initials comma
o If there are seven or more give the first three in the same way, followed by et al
o For a book, give any editors and the publisher, the city of publication, and year of publication
o For a chapter or section of a book, also give the authors and title of the section, and the page numbers
o For online material, please cite the URL, together with the date you accessed the website
o Online journal articles can be cited using the DOI number
o Do not put references in the Summary

o Main table heading should be in 9pt Calibri font BOLD; general text 9 pt non bold

o SI units are required
o Numbers in text and tables should always be provided if % is shown
o Means should be accompanied by SDs, and medians by IQR
o Exact p values should be provided, unless p<0·0001

Drug names
o Recommended international non-proprietary name (rINN) is required.

o The ME-JAA employs highly skilled Assistant Editors, and it is likely that your paper will be substantially edited after acceptance to ensure that it is accurate, clear, and understandable to a wide readership
o All figures and tables may be re-drawn to 'house style
o You will receive a proof prior to publication. That proof should be corrected and returned within 72 hours

Copyright and reuse
o Authors will be asked to sign a transfer of copyright agreement, which recognises the common interest that both journal and author(s) have in the protection of copyright. We accept that some authors (eg, government employees in some countries) are unable to transfer copyright. However, such policies do not provide anyone other than The ME-JAA journals the right to make in any form facsimile copies of the version printed.

Peer review
o Every Article, Case Report, Hypothesis, Seminar, and Review published has been peer reviewed. Occasional contributions (eg, Essays) are accepted without peer review


Send the followng detail with manuscript:

Why is this research needed?

What are the key findings?

How should the findings be used to influence policy/practice/research/education?


Click here for pdf of forms to be filled out

Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals

All manuscripts must be accompanied by necessary statements. Each author must read and sign all statements:
1. Authorship statement on criteria and responsibility.
2. Financial disclosure statement.
3. Copyright transfer statement (or the statement of federal employment, if applicable).
4. Human and animal subject protections.
In addition, the corresponding author must sign:
5. Acknowledgment statement. If necessary, photocopy this document to distribute to co-authors for their signatures. Please send all copies to the Editorial Office at the time you submit your manuscript.

Author statements

Please insert the relevant text under the subheadings below. A completed form must be signed by all authors. Please note that we cannot accept electronic signatures; all authors must sign by hand. Please complete multiple forms if necessary, and forward the signed copy with your submission, scan and email to:

Manuscript title:


Corresponding author:


Article type:


Does your manuscript have a reference number? No [ .....] Yes [ .....]
If yes, enter number here:


Does your manuscript have a handling editor? No [ .....] Yes [ .....]
If yes, enter name here:


Each author must read and sign all statements:
6. Authorship statement on criteria and responsibility.
7. Financial disclosure statement.
8. Copyright transfer statement (or the statement of federal employment, if applicable).
9. Human and animal subject protections.
In addition, the corresponding author must sign:
10. Acknowledgment statement. If necessary, photocopy this document to distribute to co-authors for their signatures. Please send all copies to the Editorial Office at the time you submit your manuscript.

Manuscript title: .......................................................................................................................................

First author's name: ................................................................................................................................

Authors' contributions
Please insert here the contribution each author made to the manuscript-e.g. literature search, figures, study design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, writing etc. If all authors contributed equally, please state this. The information provided here must match the contributors' statement in the manuscript.



Role of the funding source
Please disclose any funding sources and their role, if any, in the writing of the manuscript or the decision to submit it for publication. Examples of involvement include: data collection, analysis, or interpretation; trial design; patient recruitment; or any aspect pertinent to the study. Please also comment whether you have been paid to write this article by a pharmaceutical company or other agency. If you are the corresponding author, please indicate if you had full access to all the data in the study and had final responsibility for the decision to submit for publication. The information provided here must match the role of the funding source statement in the manuscript.


Conflicts of interest
Please declare for each author any conflicts of interest relevant to what you write. This includes employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony, patent applications and travel grants. If there are no conflicts of interest, please state that there are none. The information provided here must match the conflicts of interest statement in the manuscript.


Patient consent (if applicable) - completion of this section is mandatory for Case Reports, Clinical Pictures, and Adverse Drug Reactions.
Please sign below to confirm that all necessary consents required by applicable law from any relevant patient, research participant, and/or other individual whose information is included in the article have been obtained in writing. The signed consent form(s) should be retained by the corresponding author and NOT sent to MEJFM.


I agree with: the plan to submit to The Lancet; the contents of the manuscript; to being listed as an author; and to the conflicts of interest statement as summarised. I have had access to all the data in the study (for original research articles) and accept responsibility for its validity.


Title and name (1):


Highest degree:






Title and name (2):


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Title and name (10):


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Corresponding author declaration
I, the corresponding author of this manuscript, certify that the contributors' and conflicts of interest statements included in this paper are correct and have been approved by all co-authors



Mail or email manuscripts to:
A. Abyad, MD, MPH, AGSF
Director, Abyad Medical Center & Middle East Longevity Institute
Coordinator, Ain WaZein Elderly Care Center
Abyad Medical Center
Azmi Street, Abdo Center, 2nd Floor
PO BOX 618 Tripoli, Lebanon
Tel & Fax: 961-6-443684/5/6